KLûK CGDT mannequins sport black and turn faces away from public, honouring passing of Tata Madiba
We wanted to do something to show our reverence for Madiba. We wanted people to know our hearts are sore for his loss and full of respect in his honour. We cherish his memory and as such decided to turn our mannequins back to the window, dressed in black as a sign that certain events are greater than what we do or who we are. We always #whatsinthewindow, but this time its what’s not in the window that’s important. We remember Jesse Norman closing the “Free Nelson Mandela Concert” at Wembley stadium, London in 1988 with Amazing Grace and it resonates with us even more now!
Hamba Kahle Tata Madiba. Our hearts are filled with sadness & love & celebration. He inspired the world. Nelson Mandela is free at last!